Руководства, Инструкции, Бланки

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огэ английский язык письмо образцы

Категория: Бланки/Образцы


Презентация - quot; Личное письмо - quot; для подготовки к ОГЭ по английскому языку в 9 классе - Дистанционный Образовательный Портал «Продлёнка»

Сертификат для каждого участника БЕСПЛАТНО в день публикации работы! Опыт коллег со всей России и ближнего зарубежья Экспертная комиссия из высококвалифицированных специалистов

Заканчиваются лучшие олимпиады 2016 года осталось 6 дней !

Задания уже на сайте! Подводятся промежуточные итоги. Быстрое получение результатов и наград!

Спешите принять участие в лучших олимпиадах зимнего сезона 2016 года!

Презентация "Личное письмо" для подготовки к ОГЭ по английскому языку в 9 классе

МБОУ г.Мурманска гимназия №2

учитель английского языка

Размер файла 50Кб

Презентация модели личного письма в экзаменационном формате для обучения стратегиям и формату выполнения данного задания на итоговой аттестации в 9 классе поможет наглядно объяснить какие основные части содержит письмо и какую функциональную лексику можно использовать.

В избранном у 0 пользователей.

Если вам понравилась методическая разработка, лучший способ сказать cпасибо
— это поделиться ссылкой со своими друзьями в социальных сетях :)

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ОГЭ (ГИА) по английскому языку: особенности проведения в 2016 году - English&Home

ОГЭ (ГИА) по английскому языку: особенности проведения в 2016 году

ОГЭ по английскому языку является одним из государственных экзаменов, сдаваемых по окончании базового курса обучения. Экзамен не относится к категории обязательных, но если планируется продолжать обучение в языковом классе старшего звена, без сдачи ОГЭ по профильному предмету не обойтись.

Изменения в структуре ОГЭ (ГИА) по иностранному, в том числе английскому, языку в 2016 году коснулись разговорной части тестирования, которая теперь согласуется с аналогичным испытанием в рамках ЕГЭ. Как и прежде допуск к экзамену может получить любой учащийся, не имеющий неудовлетворительных оценок по прочим предметам.

Структура ОГЭ (ГИА) по иностранному языку

Структура экзамена не претерпела изменений по сравнению с предыдущими годами. В тестировании предполагается проверка двух блоков навыков: письменных и разговорных. Общая продолжительность экзамена – 136 минут, из них 120 отводится на написание письменной части и 16 – устной. Проходной балл ОГЭ по иностранному языку в 2016 – 29, максимально возможное количество баллов – 70, для набора которых необходимо верно выполнить все 35 заданий.

Структура письменного экзамена включила в себя такие составные части:

· Аудирование. Содержит 8 заданий, предполагающих выбор корректного ответа из нескольких вариантов, выявление соответствий между прослушанным текстом и предлагаемыми утверждениями и запись краткого ответа на поставленные вопросы.

· Чтение. Содержит 9 заданий, где необходимо будет выбрать верный ответ из нескольких вариантов, установить соответствие между небольшими текстами и предложенными заголовками.

· Грамматика и лексика. Содержит 15 заданий, в которых учащимся предлагается записать краткие ответы на вопросы.

· Письмо. На выполнение этой части отводится полчаса. Ученику будет предложено составить ответ на письмо с включением трех вопросов. Объем работы должен составить 100-120 слов, при этом, если количество слов будет меньше, результаты выполнения задания засчитаны не будут. Также не учитывается при оценке излишний объем написанного.

Максимальная сумма баллов за письменную часть – 55.

Устная составляющая ОГЭ содержит три задания:

· Чтение вслух. Время на подготовку – полторы минуты, на ответ – не более 2 минут.

· Ответ на шесть предложенных вопросов. Время ответа– не более 40 секунд на каждый из них.

· Описание фотографии согласно предложенному плану. Время на подготовку – полторы минуты, на ответ – не более 2 минут. Ответ ученика должен быть подробным и нести завершенный характер. Для получения максимального балла требуется представить экзаменатору рассказ из 10-12 предложений, логично связанных между собой.

Максимальное количество баллов за устную часть – 15.

Задания устной части выдаются ученику последовательно, после того, как он ответит на предыдущее.

Подготовка к ОГЭ (ГИА) по английскому языку

Исходя из структуры итогового тестирования по английскому языку видно, что составных частей в ОГЭ (ГИА) по данному предмету больше, чем по какому-либо другому.На практике это означает, что для получения высшего балла экзаменуемый должен владеть материалом практически в совершенстве (допускается лишь несколько малозначительных ошибок в устной части экзамена). Именно поэтому экзамен по иностранному языку считается одним из наиболее сложных в рамках ОГЭ (ГИА) для учеников 9 класса и требует тщательной подготовки.

Для подготовки к экзамену рекомендуется изучить демонстрационные варианты, материалы прошлых годов и разобраться с заполнением бланков. Специалисты центра English&Home будут рады оказать помощь в оценке уровня готовности ученика к ОГЭ (ГИА) по английскому языку и подготовке к сдаче экзамена.

ОГЭ 2017

8 (499) 347 73 27

Школа иностранных языков "Лингвистик" осуществляет профессиональную подготовку к основному государственному экзамену (ОГЭ) по английскому языку в Некрасовке.

ОГЭ - основной государственный экзамен, который сдаётся в рамках государственной итоговой аттестации (ГИА) в 9 классе.

Государственная итоговая аттестация проводится с целью определения уровня освоения школьниками федерального государственного стандарта основного общего образования.

Подготовка к ОГЭ по английскому языку осуществляется по специально разработанной методистами школы иностранных языков «Лингвистик» программе обучения. В основе программы лежат:

- современные учебно-методические комплексы, разработанные с учётом формата ОГЭ и готовящие к соответствующим разделам экзамена;

- все последние изменения, коснувшиеся структуры и содержания экзамена;

- официальные документы ФГБНУ «Федеральный институт педагогических измерений» («ФИПИ»), которые регламентируют порядок сдачи ОГЭ 2017 года, требования к выполнению заданий и критерии оценки ответов экзаменуемого.

Курс подготовки к ОГЭ по английскому языку сочетает в себе комплексную работу, направленную на подготовку ко всем разделам экзамена: “Аудирование”, “Чтение”, “Грамматика и лексика”, “Письмо”, “Говорение (устная часть)”.

Цель наших занятий - не только успешно подготовить учащихся ко всем разделам экзаменационной работы, но и обучить стратегиям выполнения заданий, познакомить обучаемых с форматом сдачи экзамена, объяснить технические моменты проведения ОГЭ. Ведь именно знания стратегий приобретения новых знаний и выполнения поставленных задач помогут учащимся использовать весь свой потенциал при подготовке и успешной сдаче экзамена!

Структура экзамена в формате ГИА по английскому языку

ГИА по английскому языку проводится в формате основного государственного экзамена (ОГЭ), который включает в себя задания стандартизированной формы.

ОГЭ по английскому языку состоит из письменной и устной частей.

Письменная часть делится на четыре раздела: «Аудирование», «Чтение», «Грамматика и лексика», «Письмо». На выполнение письменной части экзамена отводится 120 минут.

Раздел 1. Аудирование

Данный раздел включает три части (8 заданий). Время на выполнение – 30 минут.

Задание №1. Цель выполнения данного задания - определение места, в котором данный диалог может иметь место: кинотеатр, парк, отель, больница и т.п. Важно помнить, что присутствует один лишний ответ.

Задание №2. В ходе выполнения данного задания экзаменуемому необходимо сопоставить каждого говорящего с той мыслью, которую он/она выразили.

Например, он/она описывает школьную библиотеку или помещение своего класса. В этом задании также присутствует один лишний ответ.

Задания №3-8. Данные задания нацелены на понимание деталей и конкретной информации в монологе/диалоге. В этих заданиях даны три варианта ответа на вопрос. Экзаменуемый должен выбрать тот вариант, который соответствует услышанному. Например, указать с кем путешествует герой или какой сувенир он купил.

Максимальный балл -15.

Раздел 2. Чтение

Данный раздел включает две части.

Задание №9 представляет собой семь небольших текстов и восемь заголовков. Экзаменуемому необходимо сопоставить каждый текст с соответствующим заголовком, который наилучшим образом отражает основную мысль текста. 1 заголовок – лишний.

Задания №10-17 направлены на понимание текста повествовательного характера. После текста представлены 8 утверждений. Экзаменуемому необходимо установить является ли утверждение верным ( True ), ложным ( False ) или в тексте об этом ничего не сказано ( Not stated ).

Максимальный балл -15.

Рекомендуемое время на выполнение данного раздела ОГЭ – 30 минут.

Раздел 3. Грамматика и лексика

Данный раздел состоит из 9 заданий направленных на формирование правильной грамматической формы слова и 6 заданий на лексическую трансформацию слов.

Максимальное количество баллов за выполнение данного раздела -15 (1 балл за каждый правильный ответ).

Рекомендуемое время на выполнение данного раздела ОГЭ – 30 минут.

Раздел 4. Письменная речь

Данный раздел представлен одним заданием, в котором экзаменуемому необходимо написать письмо личного характера в ответ на предоставленное письмо «друга».

Данное задание оценивается по следующим критериям:

- решение коммуникативной задачи (полные ответы на заданные вопросы, правильность используемого обращения, завершающей фразы, подпись, благодарность, упоминание о предыдущих контактах, выражение надежда на письмо-ответ);

- организация текста (логика построения текста, разделение на абзацы, правильное использование языковых и логических средств связи, соответствие письма нормам письменного этикета);

- лексико-грамматическое оформление текста (правильное использование разнообразной лексики и грамматических конструкций (допускается не более двух языковых ошибок));

- орфография и пунктуация (отсутствие орфографических и пунктуационных ошибок (допускается не более двух ошибок)).

Письмо должно содержать от 100 до 120 слов. Рекомендуемое время на выполнение данного раздела ОГЭ – 30 минут. Максимальный балл -10.

Раздел 5. Говорение

Устная часть представлена тремя типами заданий на говорение ( speaking ):

Задание №1. Чтение вслух небольшого текста научно-популярного характера.

Экзаменуемому даётся 1,5 минуты на чтение текста про себя, затем необходимо прочитать текст вслух за 2 минуты. Максимальное количество баллов за это задание – 2.

Задание оценивается по следующим критериям:

- речь воспринимается легко и понятно;

- отсутствуют необоснованные паузы;

- допускается не более пяти фонетических ошибок, в том числе одна-две ошибки, искажающие смысл.

Задание №2. Участие в условном диалоге-расспросе (ответы на заданные вопросы).

В ходе этого задания экзаменуемый должен ответить на 6 услышанных в аудиозаписи вопросов по определённой тематике (спорт, школа, здоровый образ жизни и т.д.). Вопросы задаются в формате телефонного опроса общественного мнения. Ответ на каждый вопрос не должен занимать больше 40 секунд. Каждый ответ оценивается в 1 бал при условии, что:

- ответ не является одним словом или словосочетанием;

- содержание ответа соответствует задаваемому вопросу;

- в ответе отсутствуют ошибки, затрудняющие его понимание.

Максимальное количество баллов за это задание - 6.

Задание №3. Тематическое монологическое высказывание с вербальной опорой в тексте задания.

На подготовку к выполнению данного задания даётся 1.5 минуты. Монолог должен длиться не более 2 минут (10-12 фраз). Максимальный бал за выполнение данного задания - 7.

В данном задании экзаменуемому необходимо дать монологическое высказывания на определённую тему, учитывая критерии, представленные в задании.

Данный тип задания оценивается по следующим критериям:

- решение коммуникативной задачи (предоставлено развёрнутое высказывание, полностью раскрывающее заданную тему и точно раскрывающее три аспекта, указанных в задании);

- организация высказывания (высказывание должно иметь логичный и завершённый характер; использование средств логической связи (слов-связок); наличие вступительной и заключительной фраз);

- языковое оформление высказывания (богатый словарный запас, правильное грамматическое и фонетическое оформление высказывания).

Время устного ответа составляет 15 минут на одного отвечающего. Максимальный балл при выполнении устной части – 15. Максимальный бал при успешной сдаче ОГЭ по английскому языку составляет 70 баллов.

Демоверсия ОГЭ 2017 по английскому и другим языкам, ФИПИ

Демоверсии ГИА по иностранным языкам

Официальные демоверсии ОГЭ 2017 по иностранным языкам, проект

Демонстрационный вариант контрольных измерительных материалов для проведения в 2017 году основного государственного экзамена по АНГЛИЙСКОМУ ЯЗЫКУ Пояснения к демонстрационному варианту экзаменационной работы

При ознакомлении с демонстрационным вариантом 2017 г. (устная часть) следует иметь в виду, что задания, включённые в демонстрационный вариант, не отражают всех элементов содержания, которые будут проверяться с помощью вариантов КИМ в 2017 г. Полный перечень элементов содержания, которые могут контролироваться на экзамене 2017 г. приведён в кодификаторе элементов содержания и требований к уровню подготовки обучающихся для проведения основного государственного экзамена по английскому языку, размещённом на сайте: www.fipi.ru.

Демонстрационный вариант предназначен для того, чтобы дать возможность любому участнику экзамена и широкой общественности составить представление о структуре экзаменационной работы, количестве и форме заданий, а также об их уровне сложности. Приведённые критерии оценивания выполнения заданий с развёрнутым ответом, включённые в демонстрационный вариант экзаменационной работы, позволят составить представление о требованиях к полноте и правильности записи развёрнутого ответа.

Изменения в ОГЭ 2017 года английскому и другим иностранным языкам:

нет изменений структуры и содержания.

Эти сведения дают выпускникам возможность выработать стратегию подготовки к сдаче экзамена по английскому языку.

Устная часть экзаменационной работы состоит из двух заданий по говорению: тематическое монологическое высказывание и комбинированный диалог. Время устного ответа - 6 минут на одного учащегося.

Письменная часть экзаменационной работы по английскому языку состоит из четырёх разделов, включающих в себя 33 задания.

На выполнение заданий письменной части экзаменационной работы отводится 2 часа (120 минут).

В разделе 1 (задания по аудированию) предлагается прослушать несколько текстов и выполнить 8 заданий на понимание прослушанных текстов. Рекомендуемое время на выполнение заданий данного раздела -30 минут.

Раздел 2 (задания по чтению) содержит 9 заданий на понимание прочитанных текстов. Рекомендуемое время на выполнение заданий раздела - 30 минут.

Раздел 3 (задания по грамматике и лексике) состоит из 15 заданий. Рекомендуемое время на выполнение заданий раздела - 30 минут.

Ответы к заданиям 3-8 и 10-17 записываются в виде одной цифры, которая соответствует номеру правильного ответа. Эту цифру запишите в поле ответа в тексте работы.

Ответы к заданиям 1, 2, 9, 18-32 записываются в виде последовательности цифр или слова (словосочетания) в поле ответа в тексте работы.

В случае записи неверного ответа на задания разделов 1-3 зачеркните его и запишите рядом новый.

В разделе 4 (задание по письму) дано 1 задание, предлагающее написать личное письмо. Задание выполняется на отдельном листе. Рекомендуемое время на выполнение задания - 30 минут.

При выполнении заданий можно пользоваться черновиком. Записи в черновике не учитываются при оценивании работы.

Баллы, полученные Вами за выполненные задания, суммируются. Постарайтесь выполнить как можно больше заданий и набрать наибольшее количество баллов.

контрольных измерительных материалов для проведения
в 20176 году основного государственного экзамена

1. Назначение КИМ для ОГЭ – оценить уровень языковой подготовки по иностранному языку выпускников IX классов общеобразовательных учреждений в целях их государственной итоговой аттестации. Результаты экзамена могут быть использованы при приеме обучающихся в профильные классы средней школы.

ОГЭ проводится в соответствии с Федеральным законом от 29.12.2012 № 273-ФЗ «Об образовании в Российской Федерации».

2. Документы, определяющие содержание КИМ

Содержание экзаменационной работы определяется на основе следующих документов.

  1. Федеральный компонент государственного стандарта основного общего образования по иностранным языкам (приказ Минобразования России от 05.03.2004 № 1089 «Об утверждении Федерального компонента государственных стандартов начального общего, основного общего и среднего (полного) общего образования»).
  2. Примерные программы по иностранным языкам // Новые государственные стандарты по иностранному языку 2-11 классы (Образование в документах и комментариях. М. АСТ. Астрель, 2004). При разработке КИМ также учитываются:
    Общеевропейские компетенции владения иностранным языком: Изучение, преподавание, оценка. МГЛУ, 2003.
  3. Подходы к отбору содержания, разработке структуры КИМ

Главной целью иноязычного образования в основной школе является формирование коммуникативной компетенции обучающихся, понимаемой как способность и готовность обучающихся общаться на иностранном языке в пределах, определенных стандартом основного общего образования по иностранным языкам. Эта цель подразумевает формирование и развитие коммуникативных умений обучающихся в говорении, чтении, понимании звучащей/устной речи на слух и письменной речи на иностранном языке.

Для определения уровня сформированности коммуникативной компетенции у выпускников основной школы в экзаменационной работе ОГЭ предусматривается две части (письменная и устная) и используются различные типы заданий, направленных на проверку коммуникативных умений и языковых навыков.

Выполнение обучающимися совокупности представленных заданий позволяет оценить соответствие уровня их иноязычной подготовки, достигнутого к концу обучения в основной школе, тому уровню, который определен стандартом основного общего образования по иностранным языкам. Данный уровень гарантирует возможность успешного продолжения обучения в средней школе.

4. Связь экзаменационной модели ОГЭ с КИМ ЕГЭ

Экзаменационная работа для проведения ОГЭ и КИМ ЕГЭ по иностранным языкам имеют общие объекты контроля (коммуникативные умения выпускников в аудировании, чтении, письменной речи и говорении, лексико-грамматические навыки) и некоторые общие элементы содержания.

Для проверки коммуникативных умений и языковых навыков обучающихся в экзаменационных работах выпускников IX и XI классов используются одинаковые типы заданий (например, задания с кратким ответом, задания с развернутым ответом, задания на выбор и запись номера одного ответа из трех предложенных), а также реализуются единые подходы к оцениванию продуктивных и рецептивных видов речевой деятельности.

Вместе с тем ОГЭ и ЕГЭ различаются целями проведения, а КИМ ОГЭ и ЕГЭ различаются некоторыми проверяемыми элементами содержания, количеством и уровнем сложности заданий, продолжительностью экзамена, что обусловлено различным содержанием и условиями обучения иностранным языкам в основной и средней школе.

5. Характеристика структуры и содержания КИМ

Экзаменационная работа состоит из двух частей:

  • письменной (разделы 1-4, включающие задания по аудированию, чтению, письменной речи, а также задания на контроль лексико-грамматических навыков выпускников);
  • устной (раздел 5, содержащий задания по говорению).

В КИМ по иностранным языкам включены задания разных форм:

  • 14 заданий с записью ответа в виде одной цифры: 6 заданий на проверку аудитивных умений выпускников (раздел 1 «Задания по аудированию») и 8 заданий на проверку умений выпускников в чтении (раздел 2 «Задания по чтению»);
  • 18 заданий с кратким ответом: 2 задания на проверку аудитивных умений, 1 задание на проверку умений в чтении и 15 заданий на проверку лексико-грамматических навыков выпускников IX классов. Ответ на задания с кратким ответом дается соответствующей записью в виде цифры или последовательности цифр, записанных без пробелов и разделительных символов или слова/словосочетания, записанного без пробелов и разделителей).
  • 3 задания с развернутым ответом: написание личного письма в разделе 4 «Задание по письменной речи»; тематическое монологическое высказывание и комбинированный диалог (раздел 5 «Задания по говорению»).

РЕШУ ОГЭ»: английский язык

вы услы­ши­те пять вы­ска­зы­ва­ний. Уста­но­ви­те со­от­вет­ствие между вы­ска­зы­ва­ни­я­ми каж­до­го го­во­ря­ще­го A–E и утвер­жде­ни­я­ми, дан­ны­ми в спис­ке 1–6. Ис­поль­зуй­те каж­дое утвер­жде­ние из спис­ка 1–6 толь­ко один раз. В за­да­нии есть одно лиш­нее утвер­жде­ние. вы услы­ши­те за­пись два­жды. За­не­си­те свои от­ве­ты в таб­ли­цу.

На­жми­те кноп­ку 3020.mp3. чтобы про­слу­шать за­пись.

1. The speaker talks about a successful exam experience.

2. The speaker explains why he/she is afraid of exams.

3. The speaker talks about exam preparation.

4. The speaker says that exams are necessary.

5. The speaker explains why he/she failed the exam.

6. The speaker says that he/she enjoys taking exams.

вы услы­ши­те раз­го­вор двух дру­зей. вы­бе­ри­те цифру 1, 2 или 3, со­от­вет­ству­ю­щую вы­бран­но­му вами ва­ри­ан­ту от­ве­та. вы услы­ши­те за­пись два­жды.

На­жми­те кноп­ку 3036.mp3. чтобы про­слу­шать за­пись.

1) is going to have a birthday party later.

2) is having a birthday party tonight.

3) had a birthday party some time ago.

вы услы­ши­те раз­го­вор двух дру­зей. вы­бе­ри­те цифру 1, 2 или 3, со­от­вет­ству­ю­щую вы­бран­но­му вами ва­ри­ан­ту от­ве­та. вы услы­ши­те за­пись два­жды.

На­жми­те кноп­ку 3036.mp3. чтобы про­слу­шать за­пись.

1) has failed her Maths exam.

2) has passed her Maths exam.

3) is going to take her Maths exam later.

вы услы­ши­те раз­го­вор двух дру­зей. вы­бе­ри­те цифру 1, 2 или 3, со­от­вет­ству­ю­щую вы­бран­но­му вами ва­ри­ан­ту от­ве­та. вы услы­ши­те за­пись два­жды.

На­жми­те кноп­ку 3036.mp3. чтобы про­слу­шать за­пись.

1) is choosing between two careers at the moment.

2) has no idea what to do in the future.

3) has chosen her future career already.

вы услы­ши­те раз­го­вор двух дру­зей. вы­бе­ри­те цифру 1, 2 или 3, со­от­вет­ству­ю­щую вы­бран­но­му вами ва­ри­ан­ту от­ве­та. вы услы­ши­те за­пись два­жды.

На­жми­те кноп­ку 3036.mp3. чтобы про­слу­шать за­пись.

Next year Nora is going to

1) enter university.

2) start working.

3) continue her school education.

вы услы­ши­те раз­го­вор двух дру­зей. вы­бе­ри­те цифру 1, 2 или 3, со­от­вет­ству­ю­щую вы­бран­но­му вами ва­ри­ан­ту от­ве­та. вы услы­ши­те за­пись два­жды.

На­жми­те кноп­ку 3036.mp3. чтобы про­слу­шать за­пись.

In the summer Nora wants to

вы услы­ши­те раз­го­вор двух дру­зей. вы­бе­ри­те цифру 1, 2 или 3, со­от­вет­ству­ю­щую вы­бран­но­му вами ва­ри­ан­ту от­ве­та. вы услы­ши­те за­пись два­жды.

На­жми­те кноп­ку 3036.mp3. чтобы про­слу­шать за­пись.

1) Spanish and French.

2) Spanish and Italian.

3) Italian and French.

Про­чи­тай­те тек­сты и уста­но­ви­те со­от­вет­ствие между тек­ста­ми А–G и за­го­лов­ка­ми 1–8. В ответ за­пи­ши­те цифры, в по­ряд­ке, со­от­вет­ству­ю­щем бук­вам. Ис­поль­зуй­те каж­дую цифру толь­ко один раз. В за­да­нии есть один лиш­ний за­го­ло­вок.

1. Exploring wildlife

2. Active pastimes

3. The land of sun and beauty

4. Mind the strong wind

5. The symbols of Florida

6. Entertainment for children

7. Life on a beach

8. A family holiday resort

A. Florida has always been very popular with tourists from different parts of the world. It presents a lucky combination of pleasant climate and man-made attractions. Thousands of parents and their children go there in search of fun, sun and entertainment. They enjoy theme parks like the Walt Disney World Resort and the Sea World Resort, numerous movie studios, water parks, pools and other facilities.

B. One of the most popular places is the Walt Disney Resort, the biggest amusement park in the world. It includes different attractions for younger tourists. Children can enjoy magic exhibits or explore science at special centers situated within the area of the resort. They can also watch wild animals at the Animal Kingdom or enjoy one of the world movies at Disney Studios.

C. However, there is more to see in Florida than just Mickey Mouse. Florida is probably the sunniest state of the USA. Its nickname is the ‘Sunshine State’. Though Florida is one of the flattest states in America, its landscape is really amazing. Lakes with fresh water, hills, forests, eight miles of coastline and countless small islands create a fantastic atmosphere in the resort.

D. Florida provides an opportunity for adventure on both land and water. There are many types of unique wildlife, including dolphins and whales, deer and black bears. Tourists can enjoy African wildlife in a huge park in Tampa Bay. Giraffes, lions and zebras walk through the park’s grounds. Tourists can watch the animals in the wild and take photos. It goes without saying all kinds of hunting are strictly prohibited.

E. Besides all of this, Florida is also an extremely popular seaside resort. One of its beaches was called the safest bathing beach in the world. The range of facilities for holidaymakers is also impressive — from banana riding to renting boats for fishing and dolphin watching. Numerous cafйs offer tourists excellent service, tasty seafood and a vast variety of drinks to cool down on a hot day.

F. The warm summers and mild winters make Florida an ideal place for different sports like boating, diving, surfing and water skiing. Not only are water sports popular — lots of people go there to play golf and they even plan their vacations around golfing! There are more golf courses in Florida than in any other state of the USA. There are state and private courses within a short driving distance of each other.

G. Hurricanes are a fact of Florida life. They can affect some vacations that is why it’s wise to avoid Florida in certain months. The Florida Hurricane Season officially starts on June 1 and ends on November 30. Historically, September is the most active month of the year. The National Hurricane Centre monitors the territory of Florida in order to warn the people of the danger well beforehand.

Louis Armstrong played jazz, sang jazz and wrote jazz. He recorded hit songs for fifty years and his music is still heard today on television, radio and in movies.

Louis Armstrong was born in New Orleans, in the state of Louisiana on August 4 th. 1901. His father was a factory worker and left the family soon after Louis's birth. Young Louis was desperately poor. He lived with his sister, mother and grandmother in the poorest area of New Orleans known as the Battlefield because of the fighting and shooting that often happened there.

When Louis was eleven years old, he was arrested for firing a gun into the air on New Year's Eve. He was sent to a reform school, where he learned to play the trumpet in the school's band. Eighteen months later Louis was back home and already dreaming of the life of a musician. He sold newspapers, unloaded boats and sold coal. However, in the evenings Louis played the trumpet with local groups or went to clubs to listen to jazz bands. He soon became friends with one of the greatest musicians of the time, Joe Oliver, who became young Louis's teacher. As Louis's skills developed, he began to perform professionally.

He was soon able to stop working on manual labour jobs and began concentrating full-time on music, playing at parties, dances, and at local cafes. He joined Joe Oliver's band and moved to Chicago. Later, Louis organised his own band and began to record one of the greatest series of songs in the history of jazz. Louis developed a unique style of singing: he could make his voice sound like a musical instrument and he could make an instrument sound like a singer's voice. Louis enjoyed singing improvised melodies and rhythms. Armstrong was an easygoing and communicative person. His fellow musicians called him “Satchelmouth” because of his wide smile. Later, it was shortened to “Satchmo”.

Armstrong's biggest hits came later in his life. In 1964, his version of the song «Hello Dolly» was a top hit around the world. It even replaced a top-selling hit by the hugely popular British group, the Beatles. Three years later, he appeared in the film version of “Hello Dolly” with singer Barbra Streisand. The song “What a Wonderful World”, recorded in 1968, was his final big hit.

Louis Armstrong never finished the fifth grade in school, yet he wrote two books about his life and many stories for magazines. He appeared in more than thirty movies. He composed many jazz pieces. He won several gold records and many other awards. Armstrong performed about three hundred concerts each year, travelling all over the world. He became known as the legend and symbol of jazz.

Louis Armstrong did well at school.

Louis Armstrong played jazz, sang jazz and wrote jazz. He recorded hit songs for fifty years and his music is still heard today on television, radio and in movies.

Louis Armstrong was born in New Orleans, in the state of Louisiana on August 4 th. 1901. His father was a factory worker and left the family soon after Louis's birth. Young Louis was desperately poor. He lived with his sister, mother and grandmother in the poorest area of New Orleans known as the Battlefield because of the fighting and shooting that often happened there.

When Louis was eleven years old, he was arrested for firing a gun into the air on New Year's Eve. He was sent to a reform school, where he learned to play the trumpet in the school's band. Eighteen months later Louis was back home and already dreaming of the life of a musician. He sold newspapers, unloaded boats and sold coal. However, in the evenings Louis played the trumpet with local groups or went to clubs to listen to jazz bands. He soon became friends with one of the greatest musicians of the time, Joe Oliver, who became young Louis's teacher. As Louis's skills developed, he began to perform professionally.

He was soon able to stop working on manual labour jobs and began concentrating full-time on music, playing at parties, dances, and at local cafes. He joined Joe Oliver's band and moved to Chicago. Later, Louis organised his own band and began to record one of the greatest series of songs in the history of jazz. Louis developed a unique style of singing: he could make his voice sound like a musical instrument and he could make an instrument sound like a singer's voice. Louis enjoyed singing improvised melodies and rhythms. Armstrong was an easygoing and communicative person. His fellow musicians called him “Satchelmouth” because of his wide smile. Later, it was shortened to “Satchmo”.

Armstrong's biggest hits came later in his life. In 1964, his version of the song «Hello Dolly» was a top hit around the world. It even replaced a top-selling hit by the hugely popular British group, the Beatles. Three years later, he appeared in the film version of “Hello Dolly” with singer Barbra Streisand. The song “What a Wonderful World”, recorded in 1968, was his final big hit.

Louis Armstrong never finished the fifth grade in school, yet he wrote two books about his life and many stories for magazines. He appeared in more than thirty movies. He composed many jazz pieces. He won several gold records and many other awards. Armstrong performed about three hundred concerts each year, travelling all over the world. He became known as the legend and symbol of jazz.

As a teenager Louis Armstrong did several jobs.

Louis Armstrong played jazz, sang jazz and wrote jazz. He recorded hit songs for fifty years and his music is still heard today on television, radio and in movies.

Louis Armstrong was born in New Orleans, in the state of Louisiana on August 4 th. 1901. His father was a factory worker and left the family soon after Louis's birth. Young Louis was desperately poor. He lived with his sister, mother and grandmother in the poorest area of New Orleans known as the Battlefield because of the fighting and shooting that often happened there.

When Louis was eleven years old, he was arrested for firing a gun into the air on New Year's Eve. He was sent to a reform school, where he learned to play the trumpet in the school's band. Eighteen months later Louis was back home and already dreaming of the life of a musician. He sold newspapers, unloaded boats and sold coal. However, in the evenings Louis played the trumpet with local groups or went to clubs to listen to jazz bands. He soon became friends with one of the greatest musicians of the time, Joe Oliver, who became young Louis's teacher. As Louis's skills developed, he began to perform professionally.

He was soon able to stop working on manual labour jobs and began concentrating full-time on music, playing at parties, dances, and at local cafes. He joined Joe Oliver's band and moved to Chicago. Later, Louis organised his own band and began to record one of the greatest series of songs in the history of jazz. Louis developed a unique style of singing: he could make his voice sound like a musical instrument and he could make an instrument sound like a singer's voice. Louis enjoyed singing improvised melodies and rhythms. Armstrong was an easygoing and communicative person. His fellow musicians called him “Satchelmouth” because of his wide smile. Later, it was shortened to “Satchmo”.

Armstrong's biggest hits came later in his life. In 1964, his version of the song «Hello Dolly» was a top hit around the world. It even replaced a top-selling hit by the hugely popular British group, the Beatles. Three years later, he appeared in the film version of “Hello Dolly” with singer Barbra Streisand. The song “What a Wonderful World”, recorded in 1968, was his final big hit.

Louis Armstrong never finished the fifth grade in school, yet he wrote two books about his life and many stories for magazines. He appeared in more than thirty movies. He composed many jazz pieces. He won several gold records and many other awards. Armstrong performed about three hundred concerts each year, travelling all over the world. He became known as the legend and symbol of jazz.

Louis Armstrong taught Joe Oliver to play the trumpet.

Louis Armstrong played jazz, sang jazz and wrote jazz. He recorded hit songs for fifty years and his music is still heard today on television, radio and in movies.

Louis Armstrong was born in New Orleans, in the state of Louisiana on August 4 th. 1901. His father was a factory worker and left the family soon after Louis's birth. Young Louis was desperately poor. He lived with his sister, mother and grandmother in the poorest area of New Orleans known as the Battlefield because of the fighting and shooting that often happened there.

When Louis was eleven years old, he was arrested for firing a gun into the air on New Year's Eve. He was sent to a reform school, where he learned to play the trumpet in the school's band. Eighteen months later Louis was back home and already dreaming of the life of a musician. He sold newspapers, unloaded boats and sold coal. However, in the evenings Louis played the trumpet with local groups or went to clubs to listen to jazz bands. He soon became friends with one of the greatest musicians of the time, Joe Oliver, who became young Louis's teacher. As Louis's skills developed, he began to perform professionally.

He was soon able to stop working on manual labour jobs and began concentrating full-time on music, playing at parties, dances, and at local cafes. He joined Joe Oliver's band and moved to Chicago. Later, Louis organised his own band and began to record one of the greatest series of songs in the history of jazz. Louis developed a unique style of singing: he could make his voice sound like a musical instrument and he could make an instrument sound like a singer's voice. Louis enjoyed singing improvised melodies and rhythms. Armstrong was an easygoing and communicative person. His fellow musicians called him “Satchelmouth” because of his wide smile. Later, it was shortened to “Satchmo”.

Armstrong's biggest hits came later in his life. In 1964, his version of the song «Hello Dolly» was a top hit around the world. It even replaced a top-selling hit by the hugely popular British group, the Beatles. Three years later, he appeared in the film version of “Hello Dolly” with singer Barbra Streisand. The song “What a Wonderful World”, recorded in 1968, was his final big hit.

Louis Armstrong never finished the fifth grade in school, yet he wrote two books about his life and many stories for magazines. He appeared in more than thirty movies. He composed many jazz pieces. He won several gold records and many other awards. Armstrong performed about three hundred concerts each year, travelling all over the world. He became known as the legend and symbol of jazz.

Louis Armstrong got his nickname due to his smile.

Louis Armstrong played jazz, sang jazz and wrote jazz. He recorded hit songs for fifty years and his music is still heard today on television, radio and in movies.

Louis Armstrong was born in New Orleans, in the state of Louisiana on August 4 th. 1901. His father was a factory worker and left the family soon after Louis's birth. Young Louis was desperately poor. He lived with his sister, mother and grandmother in the poorest area of New Orleans known as the Battlefield because of the fighting and shooting that often happened there.

When Louis was eleven years old, he was arrested for firing a gun into the air on New Year's Eve. He was sent to a reform school, where he learned to play the trumpet in the school's band. Eighteen months later Louis was back home and already dreaming of the life of a musician. He sold newspapers, unloaded boats and sold coal. However, in the evenings Louis played the trumpet with local groups or went to clubs to listen to jazz bands. He soon became friends with one of the greatest musicians of the time, Joe Oliver, who became young Louis's teacher. As Louis's skills developed, he began to perform professionally.

He was soon able to stop working on manual labour jobs and began concentrating full-time on music, playing at parties, dances, and at local cafes. He joined Joe Oliver's band and moved to Chicago. Later, Louis organised his own band and began to record one of the greatest series of songs in the history of jazz. Louis developed a unique style of singing: he could make his voice sound like a musical instrument and he could make an instrument sound like a singer's voice. Louis enjoyed singing improvised melodies and rhythms. Armstrong was an easygoing and communicative person. His fellow musicians called him “Satchelmouth” because of his wide smile. Later, it was shortened to “Satchmo”.

Armstrong's biggest hits came later in his life. In 1964, his version of the song «Hello Dolly» was a top hit around the world. It even replaced a top-selling hit by the hugely popular British group, the Beatles. Three years later, he appeared in the film version of “Hello Dolly” with singer Barbra Streisand. The song “What a Wonderful World”, recorded in 1968, was his final big hit.

Louis Armstrong never finished the fifth grade in school, yet he wrote two books about his life and many stories for magazines. He appeared in more than thirty movies. He composed many jazz pieces. He won several gold records and many other awards. Armstrong performed about three hundred concerts each year, travelling all over the world. He became known as the legend and symbol of jazz.

Louis Armstrong never performed in a film.

Louis Armstrong played jazz, sang jazz and wrote jazz. He recorded hit songs for fifty years and his music is still heard today on television, radio and in movies.

Louis Armstrong was born in New Orleans, in the state of Louisiana on August 4 th. 1901. His father was a factory worker and left the family soon after Louis's birth. Young Louis was desperately poor. He lived with his sister, mother and grandmother in the poorest area of New Orleans known as the Battlefield because of the fighting and shooting that often happened there.

When Louis was eleven years old, he was arrested for firing a gun into the air on New Year's Eve. He was sent to a reform school, where he learned to play the trumpet in the school's band. Eighteen months later Louis was back home and already dreaming of the life of a musician. He sold newspapers, unloaded boats and sold coal. However, in the evenings Louis played the trumpet with local groups or went to clubs to listen to jazz bands. He soon became friends with one of the greatest musicians of the time, Joe Oliver, who became young Louis's teacher. As Louis's skills developed, he began to perform professionally.

He was soon able to stop working on manual labour jobs and began concentrating full-time on music, playing at parties, dances, and at local cafes. He joined Joe Oliver's band and moved to Chicago. Later, Louis organised his own band and began to record one of the greatest series of songs in the history of jazz. Louis developed a unique style of singing: he could make his voice sound like a musical instrument and he could make an instrument sound like a singer's voice. Louis enjoyed singing improvised melodies and rhythms. Armstrong was an easygoing and communicative person. His fellow musicians called him “Satchelmouth” because of his wide smile. Later, it was shortened to “Satchmo”.

Armstrong's biggest hits came later in his life. In 1964, his version of the song «Hello Dolly» was a top hit around the world. It even replaced a top-selling hit by the hugely popular British group, the Beatles. Three years later, he appeared in the film version of “Hello Dolly” with singer Barbra Streisand. The song “What a Wonderful World”, recorded in 1968, was his final big hit.

Louis Armstrong never finished the fifth grade in school, yet he wrote two books about his life and many stories for magazines. He appeared in more than thirty movies. He composed many jazz pieces. He won several gold records and many other awards. Armstrong performed about three hundred concerts each year, travelling all over the world. He became known as the legend and symbol of jazz.

Louis Armstrong was sorry that he had not completed his school course.

Louis Armstrong played jazz, sang jazz and wrote jazz. He recorded hit songs for fifty years and his music is still heard today on television, radio and in movies.

Louis Armstrong was born in New Orleans, in the state of Louisiana on August 4 th. 1901. His father was a factory worker and left the family soon after Louis's birth. Young Louis was desperately poor. He lived with his sister, mother and grandmother in the poorest area of New Orleans known as the Battlefield because of the fighting and shooting that often happened there.

When Louis was eleven years old, he was arrested for firing a gun into the air on New Year's Eve. He was sent to a reform school, where he learned to play the trumpet in the school's band. Eighteen months later Louis was back home and already dreaming of the life of a musician. He sold newspapers, unloaded boats and sold coal. However, in the evenings Louis played the trumpet with local groups or went to clubs to listen to jazz bands. He soon became friends with one of the greatest musicians of the time, Joe Oliver, who became young Louis's teacher. As Louis's skills developed, he began to perform professionally.

He was soon able to stop working on manual labour jobs and began concentrating full-time on music, playing at parties, dances, and at local cafes. He joined Joe Oliver's band and moved to Chicago. Later, Louis organised his own band and began to record one of the greatest series of songs in the history of jazz. Louis developed a unique style of singing: he could make his voice sound like a musical instrument and he could make an instrument sound like a singer's voice. Louis enjoyed singing improvised melodies and rhythms. Armstrong was an easygoing and communicative person. His fellow musicians called him “Satchelmouth” because of his wide smile. Later, it was shortened to “Satchmo”.

Armstrong's biggest hits came later in his life. In 1964, his version of the song «Hello Dolly» was a top hit around the world. It even replaced a top-selling hit by the hugely popular British group, the Beatles. Three years later, he appeared in the film version of “Hello Dolly” with singer Barbra Streisand. The song “What a Wonderful World”, recorded in 1968, was his final big hit.

Louis Armstrong never finished the fifth grade in school, yet he wrote two books about his life and many stories for magazines. He appeared in more than thirty movies. He composed many jazz pieces. He won several gold records and many other awards. Armstrong performed about three hundred concerts each year, travelling all over the world. He became known as the legend and symbol of jazz.

Louis Armstrong gave concerts only in the United States.

Louis Armstrong played jazz, sang jazz and wrote jazz. He recorded hit songs for fifty years and his music is still heard today on television, radio and in movies.

Louis Armstrong was born in New Orleans, in the state of Louisiana on August 4 th. 1901. His father was a factory worker and left the family soon after Louis's birth. Young Louis was desperately poor. He lived with his sister, mother and grandmother in the poorest area of New Orleans known as the Battlefield because of the fighting and shooting that often happened there.

When Louis was eleven years old, he was arrested for firing a gun into the air on New Year's Eve. He was sent to a reform school, where he learned to play the trumpet in the school's band. Eighteen months later Louis was back home and already dreaming of the life of a musician. He sold newspapers, unloaded boats and sold coal. However, in the evenings Louis played the trumpet with local groups or went to clubs to listen to jazz bands. He soon became friends with one of the greatest musicians of the time, Joe Oliver, who became young Louis's teacher. As Louis's skills developed, he began to perform professionally.

He was soon able to stop working on manual labour jobs and began concentrating full-time on music, playing at parties, dances, and at local cafes. He joined Joe Oliver's band and moved to Chicago. Later, Louis organised his own band and began to record one of the greatest series of songs in the history of jazz. Louis developed a unique style of singing: he could make his voice sound like a musical instrument and he could make an instrument sound like a singer's voice. Louis enjoyed singing improvised melodies and rhythms. Armstrong was an easygoing and communicative person. His fellow musicians called him “Satchelmouth” because of his wide smile. Later, it was shortened to “Satchmo”.

Armstrong's biggest hits came later in his life. In 1964, his version of the song «Hello Dolly» was a top hit around the world. It even replaced a top-selling hit by the hugely popular British group, the Beatles. Three years later, he appeared in the film version of “Hello Dolly” with singer Barbra Streisand. The song “What a Wonderful World”, recorded in 1968, was his final big hit.

Louis Armstrong never finished the fifth grade in school, yet he wrote two books about his life and many stories for magazines. He appeared in more than thirty movies. He composed many jazz pieces. He won several gold records and many other awards. Armstrong performed about three hundred concerts each year, travelling all over the world. He became known as the legend and symbol of jazz.

Про­чи­тай­те при­ведённый ниже текст. Пре­об­ра­зуй­те слово, на­пе­ча­тан­ное за­глав­ны­ми бук­ва­ми в скоб­ках так, чтобы оно грам­ма­ти­че­ски со­от­вет­ство­ва­ло со­дер­жа­нию тек­ста. За­пол­ни­те про­пуск по­лу­чен­ным сло­вом.

«Stonehenge is an ancient monument in south-west England. For me, it’s the __________________(INTERESTING) place I’ve ever visited.»

Stonehenge is an ancient monument in south-west England. For me, it’s the __________________(INTERESTING) place I’ve ever visited. I clearly remember my __________________(ONE) visit to Stonehenge with my aunt and uncle. They lived nearby and I often __________________(GO) to stay with them in my summer holidays. On the day of __________________(WE) trip the weather was fine. There __________________(BE) a cool wind blowing, the sun was

bright in the sky and Stonehenge looked calm and magical. In those days it was possible to walk among the stones and even touch them. It's very different now. Stonehenge __________________(BECOME) more crowded than it was. As a result, now people __________________(ALLOW) to walk around the monument but they can’t come up very close to it. Today I wish I __________________(HAVE) an opportunity to get inside the circle again but unfortunately it is not possible any more. The Stonehenge mystery is still unexplained but I believe scientists __________________(SOLVE) it in the near future.

Про­чи­тай­те при­ведённый ниже текст. Пре­об­ра­зуй­те слово, на­пе­ча­тан­ное за­глав­ны­ми бук­ва­ми в скоб­ках так, чтобы оно грам­ма­ти­че­ски со­от­вет­ство­ва­ло со­дер­жа­нию тек­ста. За­пол­ни­те про­пуск по­лу­чен­ным сло­вом.

«I clearly remember my __________________(ONE) visit to Stonehenge with my aunt and uncle.»

Stonehenge is an ancient monument in south-west England. For me, it’s the __________________(INTERESTING) place I’ve ever visited. I clearly remember my __________________(ONE) visit to Stonehenge with my aunt and uncle. They lived nearby and I often __________________(GO) to stay with them in my summer holidays. On the day of __________________(WE) trip the weather was fine. There __________________(BE) a cool wind blowing, the sun was

bright in the sky and Stonehenge looked calm and magical. In those days it was possible to walk among the stones and even touch them. It's very different now. Stonehenge __________________(BECOME) more crowded than it was. As a result, now people __________________(ALLOW) to walk around the monument but they can’t come up very close to it. Today I wish I __________________(HAVE) an opportunity to get inside the circle again but unfortunately it is not possible any more. The Stonehenge mystery is still unexplained but I believe scientists __________________(SOLVE) it in the near future.

Про­чи­тай­те при­ведённый ниже текст. Пре­об­ра­зуй­те слово, на­пе­ча­тан­ное за­глав­ны­ми бук­ва­ми в скоб­ках так, чтобы оно грам­ма­ти­че­ски со­от­вет­ство­ва­ло со­дер­жа­нию тек­ста. За­пол­ни­те про­пуск по­лу­чен­ным сло­вом.

«They lived nearby and I often __________________(GO) to stay with them in my summer holidays.»

Stonehenge is an ancient monument in south-west England. For me, it’s the __________________(INTERESTING) place I’ve ever visited. I clearly remember my __________________(ONE) visit to Stonehenge with my aunt and uncle. They lived nearby and I often __________________(GO) to stay with them in my summer holidays. On the day of __________________(WE) trip the weather was fine. There __________________(BE) a cool wind blowing, the sun was

bright in the sky and Stonehenge looked calm and magical. In those days it was possible to walk among the stones and even touch them. It's very different now. Stonehenge __________________(BECOME) more crowded than it was. As a result, now people __________________(ALLOW) to walk around the monument but they can’t come up very close to it. Today I wish I __________________(HAVE) an opportunity to get inside the circle again but unfortunately it is not possible any more. The Stonehenge mystery is still unexplained but I believe scientists __________________(SOLVE) it in the near future.

Про­чи­тай­те при­ведённый ниже текст. Пре­об­ра­зуй­те слово, на­пе­ча­тан­ное за­глав­ны­ми бук­ва­ми в скоб­ках так, чтобы оно грам­ма­ти­че­ски со­от­вет­ство­ва­ло со­дер­жа­нию тек­ста. За­пол­ни­те про­пуск по­лу­чен­ным сло­вом.

«On the day of __________________(WE) trip the weather was fine.»

Stonehenge is an ancient monument in south-west England. For me, it’s the __________________(INTERESTING) place I’ve ever visited. I clearly remember my __________________(ONE) visit to Stonehenge with my aunt and uncle. They lived nearby and I often __________________(GO) to stay with them in my summer holidays. On the day of __________________(WE) trip the weather was fine. There __________________(BE) a cool wind blowing, the sun was

bright in the sky and Stonehenge looked calm and magical. In those days it was possible to walk among the stones and even touch them. It's very different now. Stonehenge __________________(BECOME) more crowded than it was. As a result, now people __________________(ALLOW) to walk around the monument but they can’t come up very close to it. Today I wish I __________________(HAVE) an opportunity to get inside the circle again but unfortunately it is not possible any more. The Stonehenge mystery is still unexplained but I believe scientists __________________(SOLVE) it in the near future.

Про­чи­тай­те при­ведённый ниже текст. Пре­об­ра­зуй­те слово, на­пе­ча­тан­ное за­глав­ны­ми бук­ва­ми в скоб­ках так, чтобы оно грам­ма­ти­че­ски со­от­вет­ство­ва­ло со­дер­жа­нию тек­ста. За­пол­ни­те про­пуск по­лу­чен­ным сло­вом.

«There __________________(BE) a cool wind blowing, the sun was bright in the sky and Stonehenge looked calm and magical. In those days it was possible to walk among the stones and even touch them.»

Stonehenge is an ancient monument in south-west England. For me, it’s the __________________(INTERESTING) place I’ve ever visited. I clearly remember my __________________(ONE) visit to Stonehenge with my aunt and uncle. They lived nearby and I often __________________(GO) to stay with them in my summer holidays. On the day of __________________(WE) trip the weather was fine. There __________________(BE) a cool wind blowing, the sun was

bright in the sky and Stonehenge looked calm and magical. In those days it was possible to walk among the stones and even touch them. It's very different now. Stonehenge __________________(BECOME) more crowded than it was. As a result, now people __________________(ALLOW) to walk around the monument but they can’t come up very close to it. Today I wish I __________________(HAVE) an opportunity to get inside the circle again but unfortunately it is not possible any more. The Stonehenge mystery is still unexplained but I believe scientists __________________(SOLVE) it in the near future.

Про­чи­тай­те при­ведённый ниже текст. Пре­об­ра­зуй­те слово, на­пе­ча­тан­ное за­глав­ны­ми бук­ва­ми в скоб­ках так, чтобы оно грам­ма­ти­че­ски со­от­вет­ство­ва­ло со­дер­жа­нию тек­ста. За­пол­ни­те про­пуск по­лу­чен­ным сло­вом.

«It's very different now. Stonehenge __________________(BECOME) more crowded than it was.»

Stonehenge is an ancient monument in south-west England. For me, it’s the __________________(INTERESTING) place I’ve ever visited. I clearly remember my __________________(ONE) visit to Stonehenge with my aunt and uncle. They lived nearby and I often __________________(GO) to stay with them in my summer holidays. On the day of __________________(WE) trip the weather was fine. There __________________(BE) a cool wind blowing, the sun was

bright in the sky and Stonehenge looked calm and magical. In those days it was possible to walk among the stones and even touch them. It's very different now. Stonehenge __________________(BECOME) more crowded than it was. As a result, now people __________________(ALLOW) to walk around the monument but they can’t come up very close to it. Today I wish I __________________(HAVE) an opportunity to get inside the circle again but unfortunately it is not possible any more. The Stonehenge mystery is still unexplained but I believe scientists __________________(SOLVE) it in the near future.

Про­чи­тай­те при­ведённый ниже текст. Пре­об­ра­зуй­те слово, на­пе­ча­тан­ное за­глав­ны­ми бук­ва­ми в скоб­ках так, чтобы оно грам­ма­ти­че­ски со­от­вет­ство­ва­ло со­дер­жа­нию тек­ста. За­пол­ни­те про­пуск по­лу­чен­ным сло­вом.

«As a result, now people __________________(ALLOW) to walk around the monument but they can’t come up very close to it.»

Stonehenge is an ancient monument in south-west England. For me, it’s the __________________(INTERESTING) place I’ve ever visited. I clearly remember my __________________(ONE) visit to Stonehenge with my aunt and uncle. They lived nearby and I often __________________(GO) to stay with them in my summer holidays. On the day of __________________(WE) trip the weather was fine. There __________________(BE) a cool wind blowing, the sun was

bright in the sky and Stonehenge looked calm and magical. In those days it was possible to walk among the stones and even touch them. It's very different now. Stonehenge __________________(BECOME) more crowded than it was. As a result, now people __________________(ALLOW) to walk around the monument but they can’t come up very close to it. Today I wish I __________________(HAVE) an opportunity to get inside the circle again but unfortunately it is not possible any more. The Stonehenge mystery is still unexplained but I believe scientists __________________(SOLVE) it in the near future.

Про­чи­тай­те при­ведённый ниже текст. Пре­об­ра­зуй­те слово, на­пе­ча­тан­ное за­глав­ны­ми бук­ва­ми в скоб­ках так, чтобы оно грам­ма­ти­че­ски со­от­вет­ство­ва­ло со­дер­жа­нию тек­ста. За­пол­ни­те про­пуск по­лу­чен­ным сло­вом.

«Today I wish I __________________(HAVE) an opportunity to get inside the circle again but unfortunately it is not possible any more.»

Stonehenge is an ancient monument in south-west England. For me, it’s the __________________(INTERESTING) place I’ve ever visited. I clearly remember my __________________(ONE) visit to Stonehenge with my aunt and uncle. They lived nearby and I often __________________(GO) to stay with them in my summer holidays. On the day of __________________(WE) trip the weather was fine. There __________________(BE) a cool wind blowing, the sun was

bright in the sky and Stonehenge looked calm and magical. In those days it was possible to walk among the stones and even touch them. It's very different now. Stonehenge __________________(BECOME) more crowded than it was. As a result, now people __________________(ALLOW) to walk around the monument but they can’t come up very close to it. Today I wish I __________________(HAVE) an opportunity to get inside the circle again but unfortunately it is not possible any more. The Stonehenge mystery is still unexplained but I believe scientists __________________(SOLVE) it in the near future.

Про­чи­тай­те при­ведённый ниже текст. Пре­об­ра­зуй­те слово, на­пе­ча­тан­ное за­глав­ны­ми бук­ва­ми в скоб­ках так, чтобы оно грам­ма­ти­че­ски со­от­вет­ство­ва­ло со­дер­жа­нию тек­ста. За­пол­ни­те про­пуск по­лу­чен­ным сло­вом.

«The Stonehenge mystery is still unexplained but I believe scientists __________________(SOLVE) it in the near future.»

Stonehenge is an ancient monument in south-west England. For me, it’s the __________________(INTERESTING) place I’ve ever visited. I clearly remember my __________________(ONE) visit to Stonehenge with my aunt and uncle. They lived nearby and I often __________________(GO) to stay with them in my summer holidays. On the day of __________________(WE) trip the weather was fine. There __________________(BE) a cool wind blowing, the sun was

bright in the sky and Stonehenge looked calm and magical. In those days it was possible to walk among the stones and even touch them. It's very different now. Stonehenge __________________(BECOME) more crowded than it was. As a result, now people __________________(ALLOW) to walk around the monument but they can’t come up very close to it. Today I wish I __________________(HAVE) an opportunity to get inside the circle again but unfortunately it is not possible any more. The Stonehenge mystery is still unexplained but I believe scientists __________________(SOLVE) it in the near future.

Про­чи­тай­те при­ведённый ниже текст. Пре­об­ра­зуй­те слово, на­пе­ча­тан­ное за­глав­ны­ми бук­ва­ми в скоб­ках так, чтобы оно грам­ма­ти­че­ски со­от­вет­ство­ва­ло со­дер­жа­нию тек­ста. За­пол­ни­те про­пуск по­лу­чен­ным сло­вом.

«It was getting dark and Ken turned on the light. On Sunday night the house was ____________(USUALLY) quiet.»

It was getting dark and Ken turned on the light. On Sunday night the house was ____________(USUALLY) quiet. No noises from the kitchen, no little brothers screaming, no music or sounds of the TV; the house seemed ______________(DESERT). His parents and the twins had left for the country but Ken refused to go with them. His dad liked fishing, his mum was a keen _____________(GARDE) but to Ken life in the country seemed ______________(BORE) so he stayed at home. He thought that it would be fun, but it wasn't. Ken spent the whole Saturday playing his computer. Now he was ____________(QUIET) sitting in the armchair and listening to the sounds from outside. He hoped to hear the car engine which would mean his family were home at last ____________(LONELY) was not a nice feeling and Ken was determined not to experience it again.

Про­чи­тай­те при­ведённый ниже текст. Пре­об­ра­зуй­те слово, на­пе­ча­тан­ное за­глав­ны­ми бук­ва­ми в скоб­ках так, чтобы оно грам­ма­ти­че­ски со­от­вет­ство­ва­ло со­дер­жа­нию тек­ста. За­пол­ни­те про­пуск по­лу­чен­ным сло­вом.

«No noises from the kitchen, no little brothers screaming, no music or sounds of the TV; the house seemed ______________(DESERT).»

It was getting dark and Ken turned on the light. On Sunday night the house was ____________(USUALLY) quiet. No noises from the kitchen, no little brothers screaming, no music or sounds of the TV; the house seemed ______________(DESERT). His parents and the twins had left for the country but Ken refused to go with them. His dad liked fishing, his mum was a keen _____________(GARDE) but to Ken life in the country seemed ______________(BORE) so he stayed at home. He thought that it would be fun, but it wasn't. Ken spent the whole Saturday playing his computer. Now he was ____________(QUIET) sitting in the armchair and listening to the sounds from outside. He hoped to hear the car engine which would mean his family were home at last ____________(LONELY) was not a nice feeling and Ken was determined not to experience it again.

Про­чи­тай­те при­ведённый ниже текст. Пре­об­ра­зуй­те слово, на­пе­ча­тан­ное за­глав­ны­ми бук­ва­ми в скоб­ках так, чтобы оно грам­ма­ти­че­ски со­от­вет­ство­ва­ло со­дер­жа­нию тек­ста. За­пол­ни­те про­пуск по­лу­чен­ным сло­вом.

«His parents and the twins had left for the country but Ken refused to go with them. His dad liked fishing, his mum was a keen _____________(GARDEN). »

It was getting dark and Ken turned on the light. On Sunday night the house was ____________(USUALLY) quiet. No noises from the kitchen, no little brothers screaming, no music or sounds of the TV; the house seemed ______________(DESERT). His parents and the twins had left for the country but Ken refused to go with them. His dad liked fishing, his mum was a keen _____________(GARDE) but to Ken life in the country seemed ______________(BORE) so he stayed at home. He thought that it would be fun, but it wasn't. Ken spent the whole Saturday playing his computer. Now he was ____________(QUIET) sitting in the armchair and listening to the sounds from outside. He hoped to hear the car engine which would mean his family were home at last ____________(LONELY) was not a nice feeling and Ken was determined not to experience it again.

Про­чи­тай­те при­ведённый ниже текст. Пре­об­ра­зуй­те слово, на­пе­ча­тан­ное за­глав­ны­ми бук­ва­ми в скоб­ках так, чтобы оно грам­ма­ти­че­ски со­от­вет­ство­ва­ло со­дер­жа­нию тек­ста. За­пол­ни­те про­пуск по­лу­чен­ным сло­вом.

«. but to Ken life in the country seemed ______________(BORE) so he stayed at home. He thought that it would be fun, but it wasn't.»

It was getting dark and Ken turned on the light. On Sunday night the house was ____________(USUALLY) quiet. No noises from the kitchen, no little brothers screaming, no music or sounds of the TV; the house seemed ______________(DESERT). His parents and the twins had left for the country but Ken refused to go with them. His dad liked fishing, his mum was a keen _____________(GARDE) but to Ken life in the country seemed ______________(BORE) so he stayed at home. He thought that it would be fun, but it wasn't. Ken spent the whole Saturday playing his computer. Now he was ____________(QUIET) sitting in the armchair and listening to the sounds from outside. He hoped to hear the car engine which would mean his family were home at last ____________(LONELY) was not a nice feeling and Ken was determined not to experience it again.

Про­чи­тай­те при­ведённый ниже текст. Пре­об­ра­зуй­те слово, на­пе­ча­тан­ное за­глав­ны­ми бук­ва­ми в скоб­ках так, чтобы оно грам­ма­ти­че­ски со­от­вет­ство­ва­ло со­дер­жа­нию тек­ста. За­пол­ни­те про­пуск по­лу­чен­ным сло­вом.

«Ken spent the whole Saturday playing his computer. Now he was ____________(QUIET) sitting in the armchair and listening to the sounds from outside.»

It was getting dark and Ken turned on the light. On Sunday night the house was ____________(USUALLY) quiet. No noises from the kitchen, no little brothers screaming, no music or sounds of the TV; the house seemed ______________(DESERT). His parents and the twins had left for the country but Ken refused to go with them. His dad liked fishing, his mum was a keen _____________(GARDE) but to Ken life in the country seemed ______________(BORE) so he stayed at home. He thought that it would be fun, but it wasn't. Ken spent the whole Saturday playing his computer. Now he was ____________(QUIET) sitting in the armchair and listening to the sounds from outside. He hoped to hear the car engine which would mean his family were home at last ____________(LONELY) was not a nice feeling and Ken was determined not to experience it again.

Про­чи­тай­те при­ведённый ниже текст. Пре­об­ра­зуй­те слово, на­пе­ча­тан­ное за­глав­ны­ми бук­ва­ми в скоб­ках так, чтобы оно грам­ма­ти­че­ски со­от­вет­ство­ва­ло со­дер­жа­нию тек­ста. За­пол­ни­те про­пуск по­лу­чен­ным сло­вом.

«He hoped to hear the car engine which would mean his family were home at last. ____________(LONELY) was not a nice feeling and Ken was determined not to experience it again.»

It was getting dark and Ken turned on the light. On Sunday night the house was ____________(USUALLY) quiet. No noises from the kitchen, no little brothers screaming, no music or sounds of the TV; the house seemed ______________(DESERT). His parents and the twins had left for the country but Ken refused to go with them. His dad liked fishing, his mum was a keen _____________(GARDE) but to Ken life in the country seemed ______________(BORE) so he stayed at home. He thought that it would be fun, but it wasn't. Ken spent the whole Saturday playing his computer. Now he was ____________(QUIET) sitting in the armchair and listening to the sounds from outside. He hoped to hear the car engine which would mean his family were home at last ____________(LONELY) was not a nice feeling and Ken was determined not to experience it again.

You have 30 minutes to do this task. You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend, Ben.

… I am very busy now preparing for my exams but yesterday I went to the cinema with my friends. We saw a new film about Sherlock Holmes. You’ve probably seen it too. …

What kinds of films do you like? Where do you prefer watching films — in the cinema or at home and why? What would you make a film about if you had a chance?…

Write her a letter and answer her 3 questions. Write 100–120 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.

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